Friday, November 20, 2015

Reviews are as good as sales

Look into Phoenix here

Believe me, I know. It's an incredible and humbling feeling when someone purchases your work with hard-earned money. You could have gone with an author you know, or you could have gone with a different genre. So please believe me when I tell you I for one am grateful for each and every sale.

But something I would cherish just as much is feedback, in the form of a review.

Obviously good reviews help an author in sales. But I value them because any review tells me how to improve my writing and give you, the reader, a better experience. Some reviews I've received showed me flaws that I can now avoid. Some showed me what I did well and I can focus and write better stories to take you for an entertaining ride.

Writing reviews helps other readers. I know when I finish a good book, I want to tell as many people as I can about it. A review is a fantastic way to let your friends know two crucial things:

It was a good book
It was a bad book

Either one helps the author and helps other readers.

So, take a moment at the end of your reading experience and leave a review. You can also go back to any previous book you've read and leave one.

Thanks for reading Phoenix. I loved telling the story and I hope you liked it, too. Even if you didn't, tell me so! I've still got a lot to learn!

11/20/15  Deanne Kearns

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Goodreads Choice Awards

The Goodreads Choice Awards is in round 1; ending November 8th. Go to this page and click on romances. Then you can write in your choice...In this case, Phoenix by Deanne Kearns. Select it and it will receive a nomination.
I'd love it if all my friends and everyone who bought Phoenix would give us a boost on Goodreads by 'writing in' Phoenix by Deanne Kearns.

Thank you!

Goodreads users

     Stop by my authors page to review Phoenix by Deanne Kearns. I'd love to hear from Goodreads readers.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Phoenix doing fantastic in stats...but I want to know what YOU think

Phoenix had a phenomenal first month. To all who supported me through encouragement, sales, likes and comments, I thank you.

But I'd like to know what you think about Phoenix. Did it move you? Entertain you? Enrage you?

I want to know! So please click here to give me a review. It doesn't have to be flowery or romantic. Even three words would do:

I liked it.
I hated it.

So whatever your thoughts on Phoenix, stop by and take a minute to give a review.

And if you haven't yet experienced Phoenix, why not try a sample?

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Phoenix in Print

Yes, you heard (read) right. Phoenix is ready to be held in your hot little hands. There's nothing like holding a book, turning the pages while sipping tea or coffee, and letting the words float into your mind gently.

The book should go live at in about 24 hours.  Excitement just puts me up in the clouds!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

The last time I sold 17 of anything they were round, sweet and came in Girl Scout Cookie boxes!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Phoenix has flown!

It's finally happened! Phoenix is in the air!

Phoenix by Deanne Kearns

A story of wounding, loss and healing.
Tucker Wiley has a good life in Carter, ID. She's well liked by friends and community. But she can't let go of her past.
Alison Tyler has been running for years. She wasn't looking for love, only a haven from a past that won't let go of her.
Can Tucker and Alison find a future together?

This is one of the most remarkable things that has ever happened to me and I'm thrilled to share it with you. It's taken nearly every minute of my 'spare' time for almost a year, but my dream of being published has been one of a lifetime. It's finally become a reality.
Thanks to Kate Genet for helping to bring Phoenix to life. The dream would not have come to life without her editing skill and steadfast support.
Thank you also to Michelle of MAB Expressions, for bringing a stunning piece of art to Phoenix's cover. She is a true artist.
Finally, thanks to all who would open Phoenix's pages and share my world for just a little while. You're welcome to stay as long as you like.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tweet, Tweet. Tweet

I am now on Twitter! @deannekearns

Come follow me!
Yes, it's been quite a while since I posted, but this post announces good news. Phoenix is nearing publication. My second edits are finished, and my last read-through is done.

What an experience! I learned more about writing and editing. Marketing is next!

Meanwhile, I've started a new novel, and I'm having fun with it, too. But Phoenix will always be my baby.

Stay tuned to this space for further information.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

More thoughts

While I'm rewriting, I'm learning quite a lot, as I've already shared. Much food for thought; a character I thought was strong turns out to be almost a shadow. She needs more grit, more panache.

The basics of sentence style; passive vs active. Telling vs showing.

I'm so lucky to have this editor. She has years of experience and an easy-going style. A lot of praise for the things she likes. She has a way of making me look at what I've written and find a better way to write it. That's what editors do, of course, but I couldn't imagine working with anyone else.

Print on Demand

Remember that spectacular cover MAB Expressions did for Phoenix?

Well, we're working on the back cover for Print On Demand paper books. Exciting! I can't wait to show you the finished cover for the print books

Tucker Gets Her Bell Rung

One more for the road

 The right cross came out of nowhere, dropping Tucker to the floor.

“Oh, God!” Tucker felt hands on her shoulders. “Tucker, I’m sorry! Are you all right?”

She blinked, disoriented by finding herself suddenly sitting on the floor with a rising lump on her jaw and ringing in her ears. “Good one,” she muttered, pushing away Alison’s hands and climbing to her feet. “I guess you’re okay. Can you tell me the date without breaking my kneecaps?”

Rewriting fun

Tucker tried to work on the Nova while Hank and Alison were away, but she fidgeted more than she tinkered. Finally frustrated with Tucker’s distraction, Junior said, “That’s it; you’re done for the day.”


“Why? You’re a wreck. You’ve adjusted the carburetor five times and it gets worse every time.”

“You think I don’t know how to adjust a carburetor?”

“You couldn’t adjust your shoelaces right now.”

“Yeah, well…”

“Ha, don’t have an answer to that, do you?”

“You’ll get one sooner or later. When you least expect it. I’ll creep up to your window and shout insults at you.”

“Yah.” Junior took the screwdriver from Tucker’s hand. “Go wash up and hang out for a while. You’re going to be unmanageable until Alison gets back.”

News about Tucker and Alison

The rewrite is going well, but I'm afraid I'll have to postpone the ...publishing date by about a month. Sorry to all my supporters; be assured, Tucker and Alison are alive and well, and eager to meet you.
Hope you all are well.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Another rewriting moment when... realize your manuscript is now over a thousand words past your ending word count, which is cool, but will soon be another 2000 behind when you make your next cut.

Rewriting. It's not just a job. It's an adventure.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

That Moment When...

...You realize your word count is 2000 less than it was yesterday. #Rewriting maybe not all that fun after all...

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Rewriting as Recreation

My edited manuscript arrived yesterday. I was so excited! Is that weird?

Okay, you know that this is my first book. The first one ever finished and sent to an editor. That, to me, is exciting.

And I'm learning so much through this experience. I'm learning about my writing process, what I need to change, what I do well, and what I need to strengthen. This is a challenge that I can meet head-on, something I have control over and can learn to do well enough to succeed! It's all in my hands.

When I was twenty-something, I wanted to be published by 40. Don't know why I chose that number, but anyway, that was my goal. Then I let life strip away my ambition. Other things took my attention, and I lost sight of it. I didn't start writing again until my early 40's. Even then, I was afraid. I was afraid I wasn't good; afraid of rejection.  So I never showed anyone anything except for some poetry and short stories. I spent my ambition on non-fiction, though it never was something I was really good at, or particularly enjoyed. But I was writing; there's that much.

So I let fear rule my dream. But I finally reclaimed it, and now, roughly a decade after my original goal, I will publish a book this year. Yay, me!

So maybe it really isn't so strange that I'm enjoying the process, rewrites and all.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tucker brings wine

Sneak Peek #Phoenix Rises

Alison opened the door after peeking through the peephole. Tucker was standing on her stoop with flowers and wine. “Uh-oh,” she said.
“What?” Tucker said as Alison stepped aside to let her in.”

“You want something.”
“Why do you say that?”

“You always bring wine when you want something.”
“Can’t I just bring some wine for us to enjoy?”

“Of course you could, but you don’t.”
Tucker scowled. She took the flowers and wine to Alison’s kitchen, put the flowers in a vase and the wine into a chiller with ice. She turned and put her arms around Alison and kissed her sweetly.

Alison never got tired of Tucker’s kisses. They were deep and soulful and communicated so much in her heart. Alison swept her hands up into Tucker’s hair, then down her neck and across her shoulders.
Tucker buried her face in her hair then moved to her neck and kissed her lightly. Her lips on Alison’s skin made her shiver and she heard a deep chuckle in her ear, which doubled her reaction.

Then Tucker pulled back slightly and looked into Alison’s eyes. “You’re right, I kind of do want something.”

“Kind of?”
“Well, it’s Paul.”

Alison rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. Tucker had told her about some of her and Paul’s escapades in school, and Alison wondered how they managed to avoid getting the crap beaten out of them by some of the more homophobic of their classmates. Actually it seemed that Paul was the instigator and Tucker trailed along to back up the flamboyant youngster.
“What does he want? You two haven’t spoken in years, have you?”

“No, he just got in touch with me today.”

“He wants to do a National Coming Out Day celebration. He wants a picnic with drag volleyball and softball, and he’s almost got Pug’s convinced to let him direct a show there.”
Alison did a face-plant in her hand. Tucker pulled her hand away and kissed it.

“It might not be as bad as all that.”
“No?” She turned away and fiddled with the flowers.

Tucker slipped her arms around Alison’s waist and kissed the top of her head. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s one thing for you to help Paul and support this event, but I have to be careful. No one knows me well enough yet for me to go gallivanting around with Paul and his cronies.”

Tucker raised an eyebrow and turned Alison to face her. “Cronies?”
Alison raised her hands helplessly. “You know what I mean. Don’t tell me he’s not planning on bringing the Queens from Pocatello in.”

“Of course he is; he goes up there every weekend. We’re a small community here; it’d be good to have some support from Pocatello.” Tucker realized she was using the same arguments Paul had used with her, but it made sense. “And people like you. You’re good with the kids and that goes a long way around here.”
Alison put her head against Tucker’s chest and tucker put her arms around her again. She tucked Alison’s head under her chin and hummed.

Tucker could hum, though she couldn’t sing after the fire. It wasn’t much more than a growl, but it seemed to soothe Alison and she sighed and snuggled closer.
“Do you really think so?”

“Of course I do.”
Alison was silent for several moments, then said, “What was it you wanted?”

“Oh.” Tucker cleared her throat. “Paul wants a meeting this Saturday.”
Alison pulled back and looked at Tucker. “Weren’t we going to camp overnight at Cottonwood? There isn’t much more good weather for us to do that.”

“I know.” Tucker ran her finger down Alison’s face. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise. He’s calling some of his friends from Pocatello and it sounds like he’s making sort of a party out of it.”
“Meaning everyone’s going to be in drag.”

“Well, not everyone.”
“He’s cutting this thing awfully close,” Alison hitched her thumbs into Tucker’s belt loops. “We’ve got a little over a month to get all the sponsors we need.”

Tucker knew that when Alison said ‘we,’ she’d been convinced to go along. “Well, Wiley Construction can probably sponsor the picnic, and I’ll talk to Joe at Pug’s. The ladies can take care of the show. How does that sound?”
“All right, I guess, but I don’t think it’s fair for you to take on the whole picnic.”

“I know; I’m not that happy about it either, but it’ll only be this time. Then I’ll impress on Paul the importance of proper planning.”
“I suppose that’s all we can do.” Alison stroked Tucker’s face, then turned to the chiller. “Let’s have some of this wine.”

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Why do you write?

When I started writing, it was a way to explore some things that had hurt me deeply; dreams that wouldn't die, and wishes that also wouldn't go away.

Writing was for me, alone. Instead of journaling, I turned my life into a story. One might call it an autobiography.

My life turned into more than 400,000 words. It was longer than any of the books in the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings series, and longer than A Dance With Dragons in the Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin.

Not bragging. The point is we all have our stories and we don't serve the story well by skimping. Make it as grand as you wish it was. The act of writing helps us to create our lives. We see it in our words and they become embedded in our subconscious. We work to make it real.

On the other hand, we write to remove the pain. It doesn't matter if that 'fictionalizes' our lives; but if it serves our story, then we are writing honestly. It's all positive; it's all the act of creation and transformation. It's not fantasy or fiction in our minds, and that makes it legitimate.

Even stories about dragons and wizards reflect our own stories. It's not just symbology; they're archetypes that have inspired wordsmiths for millennia.

I finally wrapped up 'my' story; finally finished it. I brought it to a close, tied up the loose ends that I felt were loose in my own life. But I still had stories to write.

Phoenix is the first piece I've written that reached outside myself. As it progressed, the idea that I could publish it was at first scary, then thrilling. All these years writing for me; now I was writing for others. It kept me fueled. Now I'm plotting and outlining a sequel.

Did I ever think I would publish? I dreamed I would, but never found the courage until now. One of my greatest losses spurred some of my best creativity. Now my goal is to make the next book better; to improve and learn from Phoenix.

Like the Phoenix, I am rising from my own ashes

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Envoy Publications

Now that I'm writing and blogging regularly, I think it's time that I resurrect my old publishing name, Envoy Publications. I used to publish a desktop newsletter for the LGBT community here in Sioux City called Envoy. Thus was born Envoy Publications.
There are pages and blogs with the Envoy name on them; unfortunately I've had to leave them behind because of problems with passwords or hacking. I wish I could reclaim them, because they had some really good content on them. Not a problem; I'll recreate Envoy as time moves on.

It's been an adventure

Phoenix is at the editor's desk and I'm in that place where I wait anxiously to see if the last several months have been worth my time (and my editor's). I've felt many times the story was crap and tempted to give up. I've heard it "Every first draft is crap." I'm counting on that; on having the chance for a rewrite and to make the second draft shine.
So I wait and while I wait, I'm plotting the next book. I have other stories waiting on the sidelines, but Tucker and Alison are still my favorite so I'll continue to tell their stories until they have nothing more to say.
I feel very grateful to the people who have cheered me on and believed in me. 'No author is an island.' Those great friends will be revealed in my acknowledgments.
I talked about the process before. I really don't have any wisdom for you. I had an idea, and started writing. I actually began Phoenix about three years ago. Instead of letting the story carry me through the destruction going on in my personal life, I let the destruction take me away from my writing. I can only be grateful that the story never left me and I was able to go back to it when I realized I needed to write to survive.
That's the process, I guess. When you realize writing helps you keep your sanity and balance in a life that sometimes goes off kilter and makes you feel a little unhinged.
So if that inspires even one person, I feel it's been worth it.
Thank you, my friends, for following along in my adventure

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Cover

As knew I wouldn't be able to wait until Saturday, didn't you?
Here is the fabulous cover for Phoenix

Isn't it amazing? Many thanks to Michelle of MAB Expressions. She's done a brilliant job and I'm very happy.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Unveiling the Cover

I will be unveiling the cover for my new book sometime between tonight and Saturday evening. Keeping the suspense going. Don't worry, it will be worth it!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Now For The Wait

Now I sit on pins and needles waiting for my editor's work. As much as her editing work, I hope she personally likes it. Her opinion means a lot to me.

Spending this time working on an outline and making notes for the next book and finalizing the cover for Phoenix. This is new and exciting for me and I hope it never grows old. I'd have to shoot myself.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Facebook Page

A new page is up in Facebook to support Phoenix: Tucker and Alison Book 1

Find it here

Visit and Like us soon!

The Process

What can I say about the process? I didn't know and I still wonder. All I did was take an idea and start typing. I drew from real life and imagination. I made up characters that were fictional and not so fictional at the same time. I set the story in a place made up of several real towns in my memory.

I'm on a learning curve, and I suspect that even authors with dozens of titles under their belts might admit to still being on the learning curve...possibly only after a couple of glasses of wine, though.

All I know is, it was fun, despite the depressing days when I thought I was churning out a pile of crap. But it's been said the first draft is always crap. I'm still awaiting the diagnosis from my editor. (Be gentle, Kate.) (Takes a sip of brandy.)

I'm still having fun; the cover process has been especially enjoyable; I was lucky to find someone talented and easy to work with. (Take a bow, MAB Expressions.)

I know there's still work ahead; a second and maybe third draft. Figuring out Amazon and Kobo. Marketing. But I've come so much farther than I ever thought I would.

Just wanted to share that with you.

The Women of Phoenix

Phoenix is a story of two women with traumatic pasts. Tucker Wiley can't let go of her past, and Alison Tyler's past won't let go of her. When they meet, they're both near the ends of their ropes. Sparks fly when their paths cross, and soon their futures are inextricably linked.
Phoenix is about loss, fear, love and healing.

The Cover

Michelle of MAB Expressions is hard at work on my book cover; it's looking great and I can't wait to show it to you all!


A story of heartbreak, love and healing

Tucker Wiley lives a quiet life in Carter, a small town in south-central Idaho. She’s the local contractor and high school music director; beloved by her friends and family and the community. But she’s been having nightmares; reliving over and over the night she lost everything.

Alison Tyler is a big city girl trying to adjust to small town life, where everyone knows everything. She’s come to Carter to escape a nightmare that has been haunting her; trying to find a place that will be a sanctuary from her fears.
To Tucker, Alison Tyler is nothing more than an unwelcome distraction…but an attractive distraction.
To Alison, Tucker Wiley has been a thorn in her side from day one…albeit a damned sexy thorn.
When they cross paths, sparks fly.