Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Phoenix has flown!

It's finally happened! Phoenix is in the air!

Phoenix by Deanne Kearns

A story of wounding, loss and healing.
Tucker Wiley has a good life in Carter, ID. She's well liked by friends and community. But she can't let go of her past.
Alison Tyler has been running for years. She wasn't looking for love, only a haven from a past that won't let go of her.
Can Tucker and Alison find a future together?

This is one of the most remarkable things that has ever happened to me and I'm thrilled to share it with you. It's taken nearly every minute of my 'spare' time for almost a year, but my dream of being published has been one of a lifetime. It's finally become a reality.
Thanks to Kate Genet for helping to bring Phoenix to life. The dream would not have come to life without her editing skill and steadfast support.
Thank you also to Michelle of MAB Expressions, for bringing a stunning piece of art to Phoenix's cover. She is a true artist.
Finally, thanks to all who would open Phoenix's pages and share my world for just a little while. You're welcome to stay as long as you like.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tweet, Tweet. Tweet

I am now on Twitter! @deannekearns

Come follow me!
Yes, it's been quite a while since I posted, but this post announces good news. Phoenix is nearing publication. My second edits are finished, and my last read-through is done.

What an experience! I learned more about writing and editing. Marketing is next!

Meanwhile, I've started a new novel, and I'm having fun with it, too. But Phoenix will always be my baby.

Stay tuned to this space for further information.