Look into Phoenix here
Believe me, I know. It's an incredible and humbling feeling when someone purchases your work with hard-earned money. You could have gone with an author you know, or you could have gone with a different genre. So please believe me when I tell you I for one am grateful for each and every sale.
But something I would cherish just as much is feedback, in the form of a review.
Obviously good reviews help an author in sales. But I value them because any review tells me how to improve my writing and give you, the reader, a better experience. Some reviews I've received showed me flaws that I can now avoid. Some showed me what I did well and I can focus and write better stories to take you for an entertaining ride.
Writing reviews helps other readers. I know when I finish a good book, I want to tell as many people as I can about it. A review is a fantastic way to let your friends know two crucial things:
It was a good book
It was a bad book
Either one helps the author and helps other readers.
So, take a moment at the end of your reading experience and leave a review. You can also go back to any previous book you've read and leave one.
Thanks for reading Phoenix. I loved telling the story and I hope you liked it, too. Even if you didn't, tell me so! I've still got a lot to learn!
11/20/15 Deanne Kearns